Return and refund policy

Customer satisfaction is our top priority - Our return policy ensures your satisfaction with every purchase.

If you are not completely happy with the quality of one of our products, you have the option to return it and receive a refund.

Product quality issue

To initiate a refund or replacement due to quality defects related to the printing or construction of our products, kindly follow these steps:

To initiate a refund or replacement:

  1. Reach out to us via email address: and provide a detailed description of the issue you encountered.
  2. Attach clear photo(s) of the problem(s) so that we can work together with our production partner to identify the best possible solution for you.
  3. Specify whether you prefer a refund or a replacement product.
  4. Please allow us up to 48 hours to process your request and get back to you with the resolution.

In addition to our policy regarding quality defects, we understand that customers may sometimes change their minds or experience buyer's remorse. While our primary focus is on delivering top-quality products, we also want to provide a satisfactory shopping experience.

Customer remorse

If you wish to return a product due to customer remorse, kindly follow these guidelines::

  1. Contact us via email address: within 14 days of receiving your order, expressing your intention to return the item.
  2. The product must be in its original condition, unused, and with all tags and packaging intact.
  3. You will be responsible for the return shipping costs associated with customer remorse.
  4. Upon receiving the returned item and verifying its condition, we will issue a refund for the product cost, excluding the initial shipping charges.


At Inkitall, we value our customers and aim to ensure that each purchase meets the highest standards of quality and satisfaction. Should you face any issues, our dedicated team is here to assist you throughout the return process.